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Concept2, Inc

What is the Erg?

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Jun 06, 2018
The family of ergometers—the Model D Indoor Rower, SkiErg and BikeErg.

An “ergometer” (“erg” for short) is a device that measures work. Concept2’s Indoor Rowers, SkiErg, and BikeErg are all ergometers and this is a feature that sets them apart from many other exercise machines on the market. Continue Reading ›

New World Record Categories

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Nov 18, 2016

In response to increased participation in our World Records and the expansion of our equipment offerings, Concept2 is introducing several new world record categories. Today, we are announcing world records for pieces done using Slides and a limited number of categories for pieces done using the Dynamic Indoor Rower. Continue Reading ›

Training Advice for the Indoor Rowing Season

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Nov 15, 2013

If you need a winter training goal, perhaps you should think about training for a 2000 metre race on the Concept2 Indoor Rower. There are races all over the globe and you don’t have to be an elite athlete to participate. Find a race near you—or in a place that you’ve always wanted to visit!

To help you prepare for racing, we’re bringing back some ageless training advice from our archives. Read on to spice up your training diet. Continue Reading ›

